
Profi für Calisthenics und Funktionelles Krafttraining

After more than 10 years as a competitive gymnast I transitioned to become the most well rounded athlete possible. Prior to coming to Switzerland I served in the Austrian armed forces as a paratrooper and did 4 trips to Kosovo as well.

Combining a healthy vegan diet, strength training and endurance has transformed me into a whole different athlete.

Being able to do a 70kg weighted pull up, a 200kg deadlift and also run marathons is what gets me fired up. Free standing handstand push ups, muscle ups, Olympic weightlifting, running for 4 hours straight. I do it all, you name it.

I am passionate about my work & I want to help people find their fire!! I am ambitious and driven to challenge myself. I love having goals to crush.


I do it all, you name it.